Aktuelle Uhrzeit / Ortszeit
Freistadt, Österreich

© Zeitzonenrechner
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Welcome all PEZ Collectors   !

Collecting PEZ
Vintage PEZ
Timeline PEZ
Yugoslavia PEZ
PEZ Candys
Special PEZ Items
Stems and  Paper
History and News
Linde Titze usw.
 POP PEZ Funko
VIP 2023

A warm welcome to all collectors!

Nice to have you here on my homepage. Kaufe PEZ !  I am from the northern part of Austria and am a passionate collector of all sorts of PEZ stuff - specially the old candy dispensers from the 60ies and70ies.

Kaufe PEZ !

As you can see on the pictures, I have already quite some 'goodies' in my collection. Nevertheless I keep looking for everything with a PEZ label on it. I am buying and selling and I am always interested in meeting people with the same interests.

So go ahead folks - check your attics and basements and drop me a note, if you have found some PEZ dispensers...

Hope to hear from you soon!


Hallo und herzlich Willkommen auf meiner Seite -

Freue mich über jede Reaktion Deinerseits !

Natürlich auch wenn Du etwas für meine Sammlung findest -

Kaufe PEZ ! oder Tausche gerne ! Also bis dann !

Alles Liebe und viel Spass beim Sammeln !


Ultrarare Prototype Rubber Head

from the

marvel superheros


I am proud to tell you, that Shawn Peterson was my guest in my house. It is a privilege, that  someone like him is interested in my collection of Pez.

Shawn Peterson is  the author of a very nice  Pez Collector´s guide and also a great collector  of various Pez items in the US.

Not only that, is  Shawn a very friendly and helpful person !

It was a pleasure  and personal gain for me to meet him.

I would like to  thank Guenter, who made  this meeting  possible through his contact.

I also would like to thank Shawn and wish him all the best for himself  !

Very rare PEZ Advertising around 1930 

ca 90 x 60 cm ( 35 x 23 Inch )

Great Meeting with Shawn Peterson ( Project  Manager PEZ Candy Inc.) in Orange CT USA Oktober 2018

Thank you Shawn for spending your Time !

Visit from Ivan


Visit from PEZ Jürgen Juni 2019

Old Advertising  Sheet from the orange mmm dog whistle + dispenser

  Olympic Silver Medal 2018

 Congratulations !! 


PEZ Snowman with pink Head

A very nice Dispenser !

 Eclipse of the Moon 01-2019

ultra rare light brown head spike A !

Very nice ! Pez Candy Man Yasin was Here !

Visit from Regar Brothers 2017

Visit from MoMo and Jiab June 2021

The ultra rare yellow Psychedelic Flower A

Now the full Set is finished

  Prototype von Masked Rider 1

Locking Cap Trade Mark Regular

Tom with white Eyes on a footed stem

with 2.620..... pat nr. made in austria ! Rare !

Nice Visit Anna and Shawn

from Memphis Tennessee USA Oktober 2019

Grazy Fruits

Both Owl Variations

2 different  and hard to find  DieCut Bunnies from the 50th ! I´m  really happy to find  both !

Thank you Sonja for sharing the Images from 1976 !

Both variations of Mary Poppins

 Inscribed Stem

Salesman Sample Kit form the 60s - very hard find ........

Bride A yellow Hair one Side blank Stem

Lions Club generic Stem

Alpine Boy Munich 1972

Set of Whistle includet both Variations fom

Owl and the ultra rare marbelized black Pig

and so the bright orange Dog

Old Iron Test Dispenser

These paper tags were used by home-workers. Whenever they returned pez parts to the production company, they had to write down name and number of  parts.

Candy Shooter Black with white Grips

Coin in the Middle: PEZ 1977 Eduard Haas III commemorative coin  from 80th birthdayfor employee only

 given to employees, executives and customers only

Autograph from the

original Austrian

PEZ Lady

Gerda Jahn

very rare regulars without any kind of inscribtion - image shows both sides

Zauberei für jeden Anlass !

A special  ( TAROCK ) Card Team

Hans and the Garden Center Team !

Candy Pen


PEZ Austellung 2015

Rare old PEZ Rubber Dinghy

Partielle SoFi am 25 Oktober 2022  - Eclipse of the Sun Okt.2022 Austria

with rare black printed pez logo yugoslavia

Full Set of Bride & Groom A

Dumbo with rare greenish Trunk

Ultrarare PEZ Olympic

Snowman 1976 with clear hatband

Turtles Prototype

Full Set of Asterix A

PEZ is a Trademark of Haas / Austria !

[Collecting PEZ] [Vintage PEZ] [Timeline PEZ] [Yugoslavia PEZ] [Crystal] [PEZ Candys] [Special PEZ Items] [PEZ  PARTS] [SALE] [Stems and  Paper] [History and News] [Haas] [Linde Titze usw.] [Gatherings] [POP PEZ Funko] [VIP 2023] [Hinterglasbilder]